Where can I learn DBT skills

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) teaches and reinforces four DBT skills: emotion regulation, interpersonal effectives, distress tolerance, and mindfulness. DBT skills are taught during weekly DBT skills groups and reinforced through individual DBT therapy and regular homework assignments.

There are many settings in which you can learn the four DBT skills. However, before starting your search for a DBT skills group, it is important to know if you are looking for a DBT-adherent or DBT-informed program.

DBT-Adherent vs. DBT-Informed

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is comprised of several components:
•Individual DBT therapy
•DBT skills groups
•Phone coaching with a DBT therapist
•A DBT consultation team for DBT therapists and skills trainers that meets regularly

If a DBT treatment program includes all four components, it is called a DBT-adherent program. If any of the components are not included in the treatment, it is referred to as a DBT-informed program. So, if you find the DBT program you are researching is missing, for example, individual DBT therapy or phone coaching, this is a DBT-informed program.

This can help you determine what type of DBT treatment you want. Consider your reasons and desired outcomes for participating in a DBT skills group. Determine if you are looking for treatment for your condition, if you are only curious about DBT skills, or if you just don’t feel ready for a DBT-adherent program.

If you have heard of Dialectical Behavior Therapy and you hope this might be the answer for treating your disorder, then a DBT-adherent program would be the places to inquire first. If you only want to learn skills or get a taste of what DBT could do for you, then a DBT-informed program might be a better fit.

Where to Find DBT Skills Groups

Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills groups may be offered by DBT treatment centers, community mental health programs, private mental health and counseling services, hospitals, and psychiatric disorder treatment centers.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy treatment centers are the most convenient places to find DBT skills groups because DBT is used as the primary mode of treatment for psychiatric disorders. DBT treatment centers can be residential or outpatient, and the number of DBT skills groups can vary.

Local mental health centers and hospitals may also offer DBT skills groups, depending on the location, what they treat, and what other treatments they use. Individual therapists may also run DBT skills groups as part of their private practice. Remember that if any of these places are just offering DBT skills groups and no other components of DBT treatment, they are only DBT-informed, and not DBT-adherent, programs.

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