Jan’S Mind Matter’S

I was first diagnosed in the year of 2000′ little did I know I was manic for two years before that. I was fine all of my life but I always felt different from everyone on the inside like uncomfy in my own skin so to speak.

I lost my mother when I was 5 years old and then my dad when I was 13 both to cancer. I lived with my Aunt my mothers sister from 5 yrs old til I was 10 and then my dad sent for me from NY to FLA. I have two brothers they went there a year ahead of me My aunt did not want to send me to my father he was an alcoholic and disturbed and abusive to my Ma before she passed. It was a secret to me for many many years. Until I found a pic with her with a black eye. Nobody talked about my mother to me for it hurt them too much which angered me a lot for I wanted to know about her I gave up. I just lost my aunt a couple years ago and it has been very hard I still keep in contact with my cousins her children but it is not the same they are still mourning they were a very close family.

At 10 when I first arrived in FLA after my dad sent for me something inside of me knew something was not right as soon as I got to his house after the plane ride. I knew something was wrong with him but didnt know what. He was verbally and physically abusive mostly to my brothers but to me too mostly verbal but my step monster was very abusive to me in every way possible if you get my drift.

My dad passed as I said at 13 and I lived with my brothers in an apartment and my eldest brothers GF I was hard to control I shut down and didnt behave normally. I left my brothers home they both tried to control me but I was not having it I was very very angry. I moved out at when I turned 15 and moved in with a BF of mine at the time I worked and went to school while I high school sophmore year 10th but it became too much I couldnt work and keep up with the home work it was too much.

After a couple of years living with my BF he got involved with drugs addicted to crack and started to sell pot and cocaine and our apartment ended up getting raided I had no where to go the cops trashed our apartment and the hurtful thing was when I got out of jail after a few days and went back to my apartment to get my stuff they trashed my only thing I had of my mothers jewelery box I was devastated.

My brothers were worried about me but I didnt call and ask for their assistance while they waited by the phone little did I know we were never close we all went our own way after losing our dad I never even thought about them.

Well I did end up at my brothers house my middle brother for about a month and then while my BF at the time was in jail I met a co worker of his and

NEXT will be how I got to be where I am today…

Stay tuned Continued tomorrow…. 12/11/2016′

How I finally got diagnosed and ended up where I am at today.

I gave birth to son in 1994 by the end of 1997 I started to drink a lot never when my son was awake but then I started to move past my husband not wanting to be intimate or anything on that level I now believe that I was too young and was not ready for the whole family thing I was always on my own at such a young age I loved my son more than anything and finally I had a family that would not leave me whether through illness of death or desertion I am sorry I can not go on any further I will have to copy and paste my articles already written having computer trouble again I feel my story will help others TO BE CONTINUED once again!!!!b My apologies !!!!

Also for what I am doing with my life now I am volunteering for NAMI on and off mostly off right now and run a on line support group for mental health and wellness come take a sneak peek even just the home page has valuable info on it. Free registration and no funding needed supported sponsored already:


“Mental Health Support Community Goal’s & Mission”:

SHARE THE AIR; We want all to have the opportunity to share!

GIVE BACK; We often benefit by offering support to others by sharing in our own struggles, triumphs, and experiences!

DIFFERENCES OF OPINIONS ARE OKAY; We are all entitled to our own point of view!

WE ARE ALL EQUALS; Accept all Cultural, Linguistic, Social, and Racial differences and promote their acceptance!

We do not participate in our Support Group / Community as Professionals, we do not instruct or advise. However we share in our own experiences. Only we know what is best for our own Health along with our Doctor’s instructions!

IT”S OKAY NOT TO SHARE; People may just read. You do not have to share if you do not want to!


We respect confidentiality, treat each other with kindness, and show compassion!

The *Goal *of Mental Health Support Community is that with Professional help “Support” greatly increases the chance of individuals suffering from Mental Illness to either begin, or continue on their way to, or through Recovery. Along with your Medically approved Treatment, we hope you Meet, Greet, Share, and Support with others who are dealing with the same struggles that come along with dealing with these types of Illnesses!

The *Mission* of Mental Health Support Community is to limit the harm that a Mental Health Diagnosis can inflict by offering Peer Support through this Net-Work; by connecting people around the World to one another in order to share your own Fears, Medication Management, possible Side Effects, Therapy, Joy’s, and Sorrow’s!

If you have been diagnosed with any Mental Health Disorder we Welcome you to this Peer Support Group / Community. We offer you to give, and gain Peer Support through your journey of Symptoms, Triggers, Treatment, and Recovery. We encourage you to share your journey of Therapy and form friendships with others who are battling the same fight that you are!

LOL Jan aka JmaC

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