What Types of DBT treatment are there

When it comes to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) treatment, choosing the right program can feel like an overwhelming task. The DBT treatment program that is right for you depends on your diagnosis, the severity of your symptoms, your treatment goals, your life situation, and a variety of other factors you may not have even considered.

You may not know what type of Dialectical Behavior Therapy treatment program will be right for you until you start talking to DBT treatment centers. As you start considering DBT treatment programs, here are the types of programs you will most frequently come across:

Residential DBT Treatment Programs

At a residential, or inpatient, DBT treatment program, you will live in a home or other residence and receive 24-hour support and care as you participate in DBT therapy. In residential DBT treatment, you will live among your peers while you participate in individual and group therapies. A residential Dialectical Behavior Therapy treatment program is appropriate when you need a high level of support and structure.

Day DBT Treatment Programs

While the type of treatment you receive at a DBT day treatment program is similar to that of a residential DBT treatment program, your living situation will differ. With a day treatment program for Dialectical Behavior Therapy, you are able to live at home or in another supportive living environment while participating in DBT therapy for several hours each day.

Outpatient DBT Treatment Programs

An outpatient DBT treatment program will provide you the most flexibility, as you will only participate in a set number of individual and group sessions each week. Outpatient DBT treatment is most appropriate when you don’t need a lot of structure or your daily life doesn’t allow you the time needed for residential or day treatment.

Comprehensive vs. Informed DBT

In addition to considering the level of care you’ll participate in, you may also think about the type of Dialectical Behavior Therapy you will receive. There are two types of Dialectical Behavior Therapy: comprehensive DBT and informed DBT.

Comprehensive DBT: If you choose a comprehensive DBT treatment program, often referred to as DBT-adherent, you will be in a program that uses all of the modes of Dialectical Behavior Therapy: individual DBT sessions, DBT skills groups, phone coaching, and a DBT consultation team for the therapists.

Informed DBT: If you choose a DBT-informed treatment program, you will be in a program that only uses a few of the modes of Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

Whether you participate in comprehensive DBT or DBT-informed treatment also depends on a variety of factors, which you can read about here.

DBT Treatment

Regardless of the setting or type of program, Dialectical Behavior Therapy will provide you a number of valuable skills that will help you to better manage your symptoms and create a life worth living.

If you are unsure about which type of Dialectical Behavior Therapy treatment program is most suited to you, call the DBT Center of Southern California at (800) 573-0770 to get more information and a free assessment.

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